Thursday, May 31, 2012

Brand X - two is better than one

 This 45 has been on the radar for quite some time. A couple of Motown hit covers, probably 1968. Jason had a hit with a member that claimed they attended "Penn High School", South Bend, IN, but we don't have any names. 

Stop in the Name of Love
Come On Home

Showed up on Ebay a few times, then seemed to dry up.

While searching for Brand X, I happened upon a 1966 band of no relation.

Don Douglas
Rob Swaynie
Jack Verstijnen
Mike Couchman

Ron was in quite a few mid 60's Indianapolis based bands including:
Clarence Brown Memorial String Band
The Urge
Waterproof Candle
and many more.
Alas, this Brand X did not make the later recordings.
Another mystery to be solved!

1 comment:

  1. AL B Pleasanton CAAug 5, 2012, 1:10:00 PM

    If you notice the writers credit you will see Grebb....probably Marty Grebb from the Buckinghams and Cetera....probably Pete from CTA.
    Rob Swyanie from the other Brand X from Indy later played in Pure Funk.
