Sunday, May 6, 2007

Joys of Life - 1966 Indianapolis - Descent

The Joys of Life, circa 1966-67, Indianapolis, Indiana. Shown from top, left to right:
Jeff McMullin
Craig Gardner
Jim Albrecht
Jeff Mills
Corky Kirk
Danny McMullin

I believe that Jeff Mills is deceased. Jim Albrecht stayed in the music business, and opened a studio in the 1990's.
Two 45s that I know of:
Columbia 4-44188 - Good times are Over / Descent
Tomorrow THH 241 - Everybody wants to fall in love / Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow
The Columbia 45 goes for some pretty decent coin, several have been for sale in the past few years.
Major label didn't mean major success for the Joys, but they got further than 99% of the bands out there.
Any info, please feel free to contribute!


Jeb Banner said...

I can't figure out how to contact you so I am leaving a comment. I just wanted to let you know I think this is a great blog. Contact me at
thanks, Jeb

vinylfool said...

Thanks for the good words Jeb. I can't believe I forgot an E*mail link, so I fixed that. You have a great looking site.


cegardner said...

Wow, I just ran across your blog this afternoon. Cool…! I have not stayed in contact with any of the guys from the band, my email is I would love to hear from anyone of them.
Craig Gardner

vinylfool said...

Wow, thanks for looking Craig.

"Your reputations gone, it has descended"

That is one of the greatest lines I know, regardless of what band, at what era! Bravo! Please contact me at!

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing the Joys of Life only once. They opened for the band "Bubble Puppy" at a WIFE fun fair, or something like that.
They had an entire brass section with them that night. Man, the band was incredible.

King Boreas said...

I have the 45 that I bought when it was released. I went to school with Jim Albrecht. Craig looks familiar, but I don't remember the other guys.

The odd thing: I remember "Good Times Are Over" as being the "hit" but all I find now is interest in "Descent"

I gotta find that record and listen to it.

Ian Stevens aka Ian Leonard

Dave Lovell said...

Dave Lovell - guitar for the Joys Of Life. I remember the Bubble Puppy concert. I remember we couldn't get any body to talk to us back stage.

1960's beat said...

Any know where I can get a copy of "Good Times Are Over" by the Joys Of Life? I don't care if it's
on cassette, CD or what ever. Anyone have a copy of this--scratchy or not-- I'll pay for a copy...Thanks

Anonymous said...

My mom ran across this site and told me about it so I had to take a look! Jim Albrecht is my dad, so this is pretty fun to see! I'll ask him if he has a copy of "Good Times Are Over" for you 1960's beat :) Thanks for sharing,

Dave Lovell said...

Hey Marie!
How's the violin playing coming.
Dave Lovell

Hope said...

The venture to this site started with looking at the westlake beach club and I am so happy to find this blog! I am married to Danny McMullen who was in the Joys of Life and we are so excited to see the history of the band is still alive and people are talking about it! Danny was speechless to see the bands picture and the comments! Wow, what great memories!

Dave Lovell said...

I talked to Jim Albrecht. He just got married. Jim was the lead singer and wrote the songs the Joys of Life made famous. Jim is not only a great vocalist but a consummate jazz bass player. See me at

Anonymous said...

Just want to note that, in addition to several other bands, Jeff McMullen was in the Progressive Rock band Maelstrom ca. 1974-75

Anonymous said...

Jim Benge and Jim Albrecht play in a band called The Park Avenue Band in Indianapolis.

Anonymous said...

there was a band from the 60's that had jim albrecht,craig gardner,dave patterson,dave lovell, but i dont remember the name any info?

Anonymous said...

there was a local band from the 60's that had craig gardner,dave lovell, dave patterson and i'm not sure whom else any info?

Anonymous said...

I notice a promo copy for sale on eBay for $250.00 US dollars! WOW

jwhite said...

Does anyone have information on Jeff McMullin? I was a friend of his in the late 60s and early 70s and I often wonder about him.

Anonymous said...

they also had another single on Tomorrow THH 242-1
It won't stop raining / Shoehine man

never heard either side

Anonymous said...

Found my 45 of GTAO & Descent just yesterday... Danny M was a good musician & person; would like to know how to contact him & Albrecht. Danny's brother, Jeff - not much humanistic about him. Both Jeff Mills and his younger brother, Steve, are deceased.

Anonymous said...

I went to school with Jeff Mills & Danny McMullin, but lost touch with both when I left Indy. I have a copy of the record, but it was played and played, and played. Don't know what shape it's in.

Trudy Dianne Mills said...

I am Jeff Mills sister. Can't believe I just found this blog. Last entry is from 2014 so not sure anyone will read this or not. I would love to have any form of the bands music. Been looking for quite some time. Any help would be very greatly appreciated!

Trudy Dianne Mills said...

Jeff Mills was my brother. I have been trying for a long time to find any kind of recording of any of the band's songs. Any help in this would be do very greatly appreciated. Last entry was in 2014 so hoping my entry will be read.

vinylfool said...

Trudy - Thanks for writing. Please send me an e*mail and I'll get you a cd of the songs. I have 3 45's and I'd like you to have the songs.

Trudy Dianne Mills said...

Thank you so very much! Email is I have looked several times through the years but this is the most I have found so far. Thanks again - this kind of thing is all I have left of Jeff.

Trudy Dianne Mills said...

Thank you so very much! Jeff's music and his photography are all I have left of him.

Dave Lovell said...

Dave Lovell - Guitar, Idle Few. Guitar, Joys Of Life. Drummer, Lady and Friends. I am starting 2 hear from some of u. Some of the great conversations r with the kids of the band members. Please contact me if u have a connection with any of these bands. My e-mails and fon no. r on the web sites. March 2, 2016

Anonymous said...

All 'The Joys Of Life' 45's have a bit of a Soul thing going on. Superb!

Anonymous said...

Hello. I’m trying to find contact information for Jim Albrecht. The only thing I found was his involvement with this band, but recent Facebook photos don’t seem to reflect his current involvement. Any ideas on how to reach him?