This "jingle" mentions a few of the highlights of Indianapolis circa 1963:
Clowes Hall, Garfield Park, James Whitcomb Riley, and of course the Indianapolis 500!
I recall DJ's: Lee Masters, Bruce Hunter, Jay Reynolds, and of course the legendary "Reb Porter".
What do you remember?
Can't believe this has no comments! I remember WIFE arriving shortly after I discovered there was radio outside my hometown... I must have found WISH-AM initially, because I remember a short interim when the call was WAWE before it became WIFE.
WIBC had been the big dog in Indy radio until WIFE shook completely changed the game. But not too many years later, Fairbanks returned the favor when they allowed co-PDs "Jasen" (Jim Hansen) and Al Stone to metamorphose WIBC-FM into WNAP.
The launches of WIFE and WNAP, in my mind anyway, were the two events with the greatest impact in Indianapolis radio since the initial launch of broadcasting in the '20s. (No. 3 might have been the launch of WTLC in its AM heyday...)
Tangential note: both Jim and Al are still in Indy, and both spent some time working at WIFE prior to the 'N-A-P launch.
I wondered if anyone even read the post, but I know that's not true!
Great info on the evolution of the Indy radio szene. Look forward to hearing more from you.
Steve and vinylfool, you guys are so right about WIFE. As a student at Ben Davis I wanted to become a DJ. We had a radio staion, WBDG,(still there) Jay Reynolds helped me with project by giving me a terrific interview; I got an A. The Jaybird and the Emperor, Joe Light, and Roger W were always my favorites.
Just found this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-sBMjmfj_0
Rock 'n' Roll Death Match!
Joe Light read a couple of my letters on the air - what a blast!
Thanks mainly to Wife, I was in radio for 40 years. Not a lot of money, but more fun than anything else in the world.
Bruce, if you're still around, buzz me at danhughesmail@gmail.com. I went to Ben Davis too. But I graduated in '65, the year before they got the new school and the radio station.
Wife went on the air on Halloween 1963, less than a month before the Kennedy assassination. Wife had no national news affiliate yet, so Jay Reynolds called a buddy at a Dallas radio station and relayed the Dallas radio news THROUGH A TELEPHONE onto the air at Wife.
I remember back in '67-'69,when the jock who was on until about 10:00pm signed off,would always play this one song,an instrumental.I would listen to the radio until that song played,then turn off the radio for the night(school next day).Could someone please tell me what this song was and who it was by.
I remember Reb Porter, doing the noon to 3:00 PM, would have a "pool party" during the summer. Every fifteen minutes or so he would play a jingle that said, "Time to turn so you won't burn". He always played background sounds of a public pool with PA calls, kids laughing and screaming, life guards calling kids down, diving boards, and lots of splashing, of course. Sounds pretty hokey now, but what a great memory.
I'd like to know more about the band "Cardboard Bachs" and what songs they had recorded and time frame.Thanks a million.Gary Taylor of the former "Loved Ones Band" 1965-68 thelovedonesmusic@att.net
Gary, send me an e*mail to vinylfool"at"gmail.com and I'll get you what I know, and send you some music.
Blast from past! U all forgot DJ Tom Mathis...who I amazingly was his governess for his 4 adorable children... He was DJ for St Rita's on Sunday nite... Ron Bennett of Kingsmen sadly has died! I spent my time @ a teen club called Party Tyme ownes by Jim & Ki (Katherine) Holcomb... they were Fabbulous. The Roof, Barn, Westlake, & anyplace there was a Battle of the Bands is where we were. My brother Steve Foster was sax player & did vocals for, "Sounds Unlimited".... Indy n 60's was the Best! Borkey's Teepee Frisches hey found John Medvesek also still alive... good sight!!
Does anyone know anything about the GENERAL MANAGERS at WIFE-AM? I believe my dad, Ron Mercer, may have worked there, and I'm trying to learn more about his career. --Brandon Mercer
CBS Radio
The instrumental played at the end of the shift was "Our Winter Love".
Does anyone know if Tom Mathis, from WIFE, is still alive & well? Tom apparently MC'd a fashion show that the Astronauts played at, at Indiana Roof, in August,1965, in conjunction with Wasson's. A friend also said they performed at Wasson's at Eastgate that same day. If anyone has any memories, I'd love to hear them -
Thank you!
Gary I am Tom's daughter. He went to radio Heaven in 2006
When WIFE first fired up, they brought in Jerry Baker, who they dubbed "Jack Sunday" and put him on mid-day. Bake later - using his real name - became the radio voice of the Indiana Pacers and a fixture in turn one of the Indianapolis 500. WIFE hired Jerry from WKLO in Louisville and also brought up Jack Sanders from 'KLO's primary competitor, WAKY.
Doesn't anyone remember the off the wall humor if WIFE "Good Guy" Ron Hofer? How about "Bouncin' Bill Baker"? Remember the very first WIFE "Teen Fair" in 1967 and the first "Teen Fair Battle of the Bands"? Does anyone have any photos?
Is this Pam? I was Tom''s governess for you children. Your Dad was an incredible man! You had a German Shepherd named King. Would love to hear from you. linda4stanton@gmail.com
WIFE in partnership with Kinney Shoes asked for a teen girl & boy from each school to be "reporters" & to Tom Mathis we would call in school scores from games, identity events, & name honors being awarded.
For "working" for the station Kenney
Shoes each quarter of a year would give the reporters the newest pair of shoes coming out. They had a run way Fashion show with Kenney shoes & each pair that was modeled we got to keep. It was fabulous & so fun. Tom would name the reporters on air with eventa. It was a big deal for us. WIFE ROCKED
Anyone have one of the yellow "WIFE GOODGUYS" car radio antenna balls they would be willing to part with?
If so, email me @ (ruquikr1970@yahoo.com)
Bob lyons was a dj here and a program directer. Any photos?
The WIFE's top 50 survey was a big deal in our neighborhood, (east side, by Ellenburger Park) during the late 60's. In particular, I remember the year end top 113. In '68, because "Love is Blue" had held the #1 spot for something like 7 weeks, we assumed it would take the top spot for the year... to our great surprise and disdain, Jeanie C Riley's "Harper Valley PTA" took the top spot. No such argument when the Boxtops' "The Letter" took the overall top spot for 1967.
I was wondering, if there were any scans of those year-end annual surveys?
Google didn't turn anything up.
"The Bake" and wife are my nextdoor neighbors. We moved in in May '96. They are both going strong.
To the following post; all the DJ's were "Good Guys", and had made-up air names, i.e. Jack Sunday/Les Church/ etc. Ron Hofer was "Hofer the Loafer"... he and I played tennis at Keystone South Racquet Club(S. Keystone & I65, SW corner).
The '60's WIFE radio made "things" better...
And Tom Mathis at WIFE he did gigs at St Rita’s on Sunday night and I would go along to learn to dance! Just an amazing time
Does everyone remember Party Thyme off Keystone in a shopping mall? Ky(Katherine) & Jim Holcomb owned the Teen Club. They had club memberships & I had the 1st one $50. They were open after school so we could study & learn dances. They had all the DJ’s spin records on weekends and had Battle of the Bands. They also had shows with famous singers I remember Tommy Roe just being there.
My & Jim had been Arthur Murray dancers and taught us some ball room also. What an incredible experience!! I loved it.
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