Not only has an acetate* of the album been found, it is in the hands of a historian / collector that hopefully will be able to release it in the near future.
I know, where is the music? If I put it all up here, who will buy the album? Here is a clip of what's in store:
Olivers - Kaleidoscope
For great info and interviews from Jay, Mike, and Rick, check out:
60's Garage Bands
Visit Mike's site and let him know that you support a release!
Last Chapter - how about a live tape? Roger that!
Hi, it's Mike Mankey again. This has been an exciting time for all of the former Olivers. It was really great to finally hear the album in it's entirety. Stop by the 60s Garagebands site and check out the info. More to come.
Hi, Mike again. I'd like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season. I'd also like to let you know that I'm working on an Olivers Lost Album Page on FaceBook. It should be up ASAP. I'll stop back and incude a link when it's ready.
Hi, Mike again. The search words to use to get to the Olivers album page on facebook is
The Olivers Lost Dove sessions, recently found
and I'll keep adding new stuff as I get it.
Anyone have anything about Northern Music? and/or The Peabody Soul Foundation? I would love to see a flier from the Swinging Gate with them on it!
If anyone has pictures, of good quality, of the Olivers, in the late 60s. around 1969 to be exact, the pictures could be considered to be included on the album cover of the Olivers - Lost Dove Sessions, recently found album that is in the works in Germany. Only actual pictures of the band will be considered. The lineup at that time was Billy Franze, Jay Penndorf, Rick Durrett, Chuck Hamrick and Mike Mankey.
Hey Mike ..
My name is Jason Lillo .. Tony Lillo's Son wondering if u had any more stage shots of the band ??
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