As pictured: circa 1967

Mike Reisener
Bruce Evans
Tal Middleton
J. Michael Henderson
Phil Phillips
Mike, Bruce, and Tal were original members.
Thanks to JMH for the photo.
A quick trip back to the mid 60's central Indiana (and maybe more) combo music scene.
How about 'The Idle Few' or 'The Dukes'? How about clubs like 'The Hungry Eye' or 'The Green Onion'? This was Indianapolis stuff.
How about clubs like Phases I,II & !!!? Up Meridian to The Rat Fink, The Georgy Girl, Mac's 30/30 Club, The Sheraton, Sam's Attic/Basement? End at the Huddle at 62nd & Keystone to watch Bo (the cook) keep 9 waitresses busy?
How about bands like the Original Dukes with Jim Hickman, Gary Bedell & Jim Sonday. Or the "Origin of Bleu" with Gary, Jim Sonday, Gary Hartle, Bill Duke, Larry Kepner, John Fish at the Hungry Eye backing up Bobby Rydell, the Drifters, Coasters, The Toys, Timi Yuro, Bo Didley among others.
Anonymous & Pat ( I suspect one and the same :) I did the Dukes some time back, with Jim Sonday's help. I would love to find some pics of the clubs, but so far, very few and far between........
There was a band from Washington DC called the British Walker who were lead and produced by Bobbie Howard. Strange there should be 2 bands with this name!
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